Unlock the Ultimate Style Upgrade: The Secret Fashion Hack You Can’t Miss

Wearing a two-piece outfit can make getting ready super simple. You don’t need to choose a top and bottom separately – the matching set takes care of that.

Wearing a two-piece with an open cardigan or long coat is fun, until you want to close it. Watch how a woman came up with a clever trick to solve this using a scrunchie and a bracelet.

No more fussing with your cardigan, coat, or any open short garment throughout the day. This trick that @rhythmandcoils showed off was a real game changer.

First, Rhythm put on her green two-piece jumpsuit over her shapewear. She said it’s okay if you can see the buttons or outline of the shaper, as the trick will hide that.

“First, I’m going to tuck it under the fabric,” she said, as she pulled the jacket close in front. “Tuck it under the fabric and then simply wrap your hair tie around it.”

When she was done, she revealed a button that was now hidden under the clothes. This trick ensured the jacket stayed closed and gave the outfit a well-fitted appearance. What I liked was that she showed you can move the button to the side and wear it that way for a stylish uneven look.

Another way she suggested doing this trick was by doing the same thing, but placing the bracelet on the folded sides of the jacket.

“We’ll put it on top of both layers of fabric, then loop it up, under, and behind it,” she explained.
Starting from the bottom, she folded the fabric over the bracelet and used the scrunchie to keep it in place. When she was finished, she flipped it back over, creating a sort of “hidden button.”

I found it great how easy this was to change the appearance of any jacket or coat over a jumpsuit or top. Give it a try next time you feel chilly or want to add a little extra to your outfit.

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